Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Properties and relationships - it won't get easier

Okay, now to show you the peak of what I've done using ASM: Look at these classes:

public class Test {
    protected final PropertyChangeSupport s = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
    protected final Properties p = new BoundProperties(s);
    private String s;
    public void setS(String s) {this.s = s;}
    public String getS() {return s;}
    //add/remove PropertyChangeListener methods

//test code
Test t = new Test();
t.addPropertyChangeListener(...); //prints to System.out
t.setS("hello"); //listener fires!

With the right setup (and with setup I don't mean things you have to do every time; it's just either configuring a ClassLoader or transforming the bytecode directly after compilation), it's as simple as that to add property change support, and other things; in fact everything that can be done with a Properties object. (in case you never heard of that creation, look at the code) And there is another thing I have done using properties: bidirectional 1:1, 1:n and m:n relationships, which is pretty nice if it's as simple as this:

public class A {
    protected final Properties p = new BasicProperties();
    private B b;
    //getters and setters

public class B {
    protected final Properties p = new BasicProperties();
    private A a;
    //getters and setters

//test code
A a = new A(); B b = new B();
System.out.println(b.getA() == a); //true!

I'm skipping the other cardinalities, and the two examples here were a little modified, but they are functional! It's not simplified beyond what's necessary for the code to actually work as advertised. If you want to take a look at the complete test cases, look here. It also includes a ClassLoader that can do the job, as well as the setup for junit that invokes the test code on the modified class.

Okay, the advertising is over; one or two sentences about the internals:
  • The class loader that is used prints all classes it loads (that is, the test classes) to a directory structure analogous to java's package structure. The printed text is the disassembled bytecode that is actually loaded - so not the same code as the compiled class files, and even some classes that are not present in the sources. If you can read bytecode, that's perfect to see every detail on how a simple this.b = b; comes to setting the private A a; in the newly referenced B instance.
  • The relation annotations create a new attribute, for example OneToOne<A> a$o2o; (with default access). This is essentially the field you would name a if not making your life easier with ASM.
  • That field is accessed by a class like B$$a$o2o_EntityFunction (For the OneToOne field named a in class B). It implements a simple interface and implements only one method, taking the B instance and returning the OneToOne object. Since the class is in the same package as B, the access is allowed, and any classes can be related without exposing any normal-java accessible fields for other classes.
I hope you can get your benefits out of this little gem!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Under the Hood: Transforming Bytecode

This will be more or less a "what I've already done", although without much Java code. It got pretty verbose last time, as I explained how to use the visitors to create a new class. I'll focus on the bytecode transformations this time; the Java code is pretty straightforward then.

So, my goal was to make coding easier when working with properties. Basically, I want to have this:

public class Test {
    private int a;
    public void setA(int a) {
        this.a = a;
    public int getA() {
        return a;

transformed into this:

public class Test {
    private Properties properties = new BasicProperties();
    private final Property<Integer> a = properties.cfg(Properties.NAME, "a").property(0);
    public void setA(int a) {
    public int getA() {
        return a.getValue();

Of course, we need to add a few little modifications to control our transformation, but it would still simplify reading the code:

public class Test {
    private Properties properties = new TestProperties();
    private int a;
    public void setA(int a) {
        this.a = a;
    public int getA() {
        return a;

That's enough for my simplistic version. I'll skip the field changing type and instead concentrate on how code accesses the fields. Now let's look at the source and target bytecodes; original at the top and goal at the bottom:

public void setA(int);
  Signature: (I)V
   0:    aload_0
   1:    iload_1
   2:    putfield    #5; //Field a:I
   5:    return

 public void setA(int);
  Signature: (I)V
   0:    aload_0
   1:    getfield    #10; //Field a:Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Property;
   4:    iload_1
   5:    invokestatic    #8; //Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
   8:    invokeinterface    #11,  2; //InterfaceMethod net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Property.setValue:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
   13:    return

So in the original, we have a simple putfield, whereas our goal is to do a getfield, fetching our wrapper object, and then doing a setValue(Object) with our value. That we have to wrap the int into an Integer ourselves at the bytecode level is a complication, but not so hard.
What really poses a problem is where we realize that we're doing the important stuff: basically, at 2: putfield, we know that setting the attribute is happening. However, the target bytecode differs before that: to fetch the wrapper! Don't be temptated to buffer some instructions and then insert the getfield one entry ahead; imagine we're doing this.a = 2*a instead. It simply wouldn't line up. Instead, we use the swap opcode the JVM provides to bring the stack into order, even though the bytecode will be different than that from javac.
First, look at the stack in the original:

[ Test I ]
[ ]

and how we could transform the putfield into a sequence of instructions that have the same begin and end stack:

[ Test I ]
invokestatic Integer Integer.valueOf(int)
[ Test Integer ]
[ Integer Test ]
getfield a Property
[ Integer Property ]
[ Property Integer ]
invokeinterface void Property.setValue(Object)
[ ]

Not so hard at all. Note that I did the boxing at first, because swap can't handle 64 bit values like long and double, so I wrap these into references before doing anything else. (Don't ask me what that means in a 64 bit JVM, but since bytecode is platform independent, it's fine if we just know how it behaves in 32 bits)

public int getA();
  Signature: ()I
   0:    aload_0
   1:    getfield    #5; //Field a:I
   4:    ireturn

public int getA();
  Signature: ()I
   0:    aload_0
   1:    getfield    #10; //Field a:Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Property;
   4:    invokeinterface    #12,  1; //InterfaceMethod net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Property.getValue:()Ljava/lang/Object;
   9:    checkcast    #13; //class java/lang/Integer
   12:    invokevirtual    #14; //Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
   15:    ireturn

The same strategy here:

[ Test ]
[ I ]


[ Test ]
getfield a Property

[ Property ]
invokeinterface Object Property.getValue()
[ Object ]
checkcast Integer
[ Integer ]
invokevirtual int Integer.intValue()
[ I ]
which is even more straight forward than the setter. But here comes the constructor:

public net.slightlymagic.beans.test.Test();
  Signature: ()V
   0:    aload_0
   1:    invokespecial    #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:    aload_0
   5:    new    #2; //class net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/basic/BasicProperties
   8:    dup
   9:    invokespecial    #3; //Method net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/basic/BasicProperties
   12:    putfield    #4; //Field properties:Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Properties;
   15:    return

public net.slightlymagic.beans.test.Test();
  Signature: ()V
   0:    aload_0
   1:    invokespecial    #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:    aload_0

   5:    new    #2; //class net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/basic/BasicProperties
   8:    dup
   9:    invokespecial    #3; //Method net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/basic/BasicProperties
   12:    putfield    #4; //Field properties:Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Properties;
   15:    aload_0
   16:    aload_0
   17:    getfield    #4; //Field properties:Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Properties;
   20:    ldc    #5; //String name
   22:    ldc    #6; //String a
   24:    invokeinterface    #7,  3; //InterfaceMethod net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Properties.cfg:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Properties;
   29:    iconst_0
   30:    invokestatic    #8; //Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
   33:    invokeinterface    #9,  2; //InterfaceMethod net/slightlymagic/beans/properties/;)Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Property;
   38:    putfield    #10; //Field a:Lnet/slightlymagic/beans/properties/Property;
   41:    return

A constructor has basically three parts: the super constructor call, initializing fields, and the explicit constructor code. If we don't initialize a explicitly in its declaration, it won't appear in the constructor, which is bad if we wait for some bytecode to tell us that it's time for action. So we have to find a place where inserting our own initialization is fine, and that place is NOT directly after the super constructor. Rather, it's after creating the Properties object, our factory for the property wrappers - a putfield instruction. (and this is actually where I stopped, so my code doesn't do this right yet)
Another thing to note is that there might be multiple putfields in the constructor, but only the first one is the initialization, needing our special treatment.
And now to the bytecode of our modification. Let's for now pretend that there is an aload_0; iconst_0; putfield; here; it might be, so we have to prepare that there is something on the stack:

[ Test I ]
invokestatic Integer Integer.valueOf(int)
[ Test Integer ]
[ Integer Test ]
[ Test Integer Test ]
getfield properties Properties
[ Test Integer Properties ]
ldc "name"
[ Test Integer Properties String ]
ldc "a"
[ Test Integer Properties String String ]
invokeinterface Properties Properties.cfg(Object,Object)
[ Test Integer Properties ]
[ Test Properties Integer ]
invokeinterface Property
[ Test Property ]
putfield a Property
[ ]

and the last thing: look at the stack: int begins with two elements, but has up to 5 elements in the middle, so the maxStack must be increased by three (or two, if the value is long or double). It's as simple as storing a field with that value and overwriting visitMaxs() to add it to the stack.

Thanks! If you want to look at the code, you find it here.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Visitor pattern

A quick interruption from our Bytecode study for the Visitor pattern. A programming pattern is basically a technique which can be applied in different situations for some benefit, and at first I failed to see the benefit behind the visitor pattern. The visitor pattern has four core concepts:
  • There is a SomethingVisitor class or interface.
  • That class has many visitSomeAspect() methods that are either void or return another Visitor for that aspect.
  • A class can form an "entry point" by providing an accept(SomethingVisitor) method.
  • That accept() method calls the visit() methods in an order somehow defined in the SomethingVisitor class.
Let's take ASM as an example: There is the ClassReader class that provides an accept(ClassVisitor) method. This method calls the various visit() methods, starting with visit(), visitSource(), visitOuterClass(), followed by sequences of visitAnnotation(), visitAttribute(), visitInnerClass(), visitField(), visitMethod(), and ended with visitEnd(). In turn, visitAnnotation(), visitField() and visitMethod() return visitors on their own that get the details about the annotation, field or method. What we're actually describing is a tree structure, so why don't we simply create some ClassFile class that has some fields for name, superclass, interfaces and so on? What's the benefit of the pattern?

If you realized it straight on, you're probably smarter than me, but after working for a few days with ASM, I realized it myself. Unlike data structures, methods are inherently chainable. Let me show you some lines from ClassVisitor:

public abstract class ClassVisitor {
    protected final int api;
    protected ClassVisitor cv;

    public ClassVisitor(final int api) {
        this(api, null);

    public ClassVisitor(final int api, final ClassVisitor cv) {
        this.api = api; = cv;

    public void visit(
        int version,
        int access,
        String name,
        String signature,
        String superName,
        String[] interfaces)
        if (cv != null) {
            cv.visit(version, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces);

Just ignore the api, which is for future compatibility, and look at cv and visit(). A ClassVisitor can be constructed with another delegate ClassVisitor, and the visit() methods delegate by default; if there is no delegate, the methods are no-ops. That's a really nice behavior, because you can stick ClassVisitors that do only some small thing together to get a more complex behavior. And they probably work right by doing so, because what you expect from one visitor is that it transforms one correct class into another, so each visitor gets a correct input, and you expect it to get a correct output back from it.

Now let's speak about performance. The most obvious thing is that, with the visitor pattern, you don't have to actually build your tree structure in order to process it. Basically, you can think of the visitor pattern as a stream-approach to tree processing. Think of a binary stream: you can chain different kinds of streams together, each operating on the output of the former one, yielding a result that is the composition of all the transformation. The analogue to a tree structure would be a byte array. Instead of chaining streams, each transform() method takes and returns a byte[], which is then passed to the next transform() method. This is a lot of excessive object creation, plus that each transformation processes the array from front to back. In a stream, there is only one pass that does all of the processing in a chain, and it certainly needs less memory. Of course, it's possible that the class providing accept() operates on a real tree structure, but not even that is a requirement. Thinking of binary again, there's no need to read a file into a byte[] before processing it, and then writing it back to a file again.

Let's talk Magic shortly: I repeatedly find myself thinking about the right way to represent cards. There is much you can store about a card: Name, types, abilities, power/toughness. There is also the Multiverse ID, but that is printing- and language dependent. Abilities have translated text, and the printed English text is not the same as the current oracle wording. Abilities can be present in a software-specific, machine-readable language. Images of different resolutions might be present, as well as flavor text for specific printings, artist name, copyright notice, and so on.
To make one data structure for all needs is virtually impossible. The visitor pattern is a tool that might make it possible to make all the data accessible without actually requiring all of it, and a visitor can also be used to transform one tree representation into another one with a different focus, without polluting them with explicit conversion methods featuring major duplication of code.

So the visitor pattern is, after a deeper analysis, nothing of that that you see on the surface: a method- and class name convention, combined with a specified order of method calls. It is a technique for processing complex data structures without the intermediate creation of a huge in-memory tree, and it can even boost performance. It makes you independent of the underlying tree structure, be it in memory, on disk or anywhere else. Instead, you have to conform to a single interface and be able to process the method arguments. And that's something I do call a benefit!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Under the Hood: Creating a class with ASM

Now, let's get serious! We know how ClassLoaders are responsible for getting the binary class data to load Java classes, and we know how that binary class data actually looks. What's missing is a way to effectively modify that data, without worrying too much about the low-level details of data storage in a class file.
And that's where ASM comes into play. ASM is one library (BCEL is another) for bytecode manipulation, and it seems to be the "tool of choice" out there. That means it's relatively active in development, yet mature and usable. Let's dive straight into a code example for creating (not modifying) a class with ASM:

public class AsmBuilder implements Opcodes {
    public static final byte[] HelloWorld = HelloWorld();
    private static byte[] HelloWorld() {
        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0);
        cw.visit(V1_6, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld", null, "java/lang/Object",
        cw.visitSource("<generated>", null);
        return cw.toByteArray();
    private static void HelloWorld_init(ClassWriter cw) {
        MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V", null, null);
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/Object", "<init>", "()V");
        mv.visitMaxs(1, 1);
    private static void HelloWorld_main(ClassWriter cw) {
        MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", null, null);
        mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld");
        mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld", "<init>", "()V");
        mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld", "hello", "()V");
        mv.visitMaxs(2, 1);
    private static void HelloWorld_hello(ClassWriter cw) {
        MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "hello", "()V", null, null);
        mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
        mv.visitLdcInsn("Hello, World");
        mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
        mv.visitMaxs(2, 1);

What you see here is a series of visitSomething() calls on a ClassWriter (which implements ClassVisitor) and the MethodVisitors created from it. The Opcodes interface impelemented just gives us easy access to some useful constants. Before elaborating on the Visitor pattern next time, let's go through the calls:

ClassVisitor.visit() gets all data that is necessary once for a class definition; that includes class version, access flags like public, class name, superclass name, signature (for generic classes like List<T>) and an array of implemented interfaces. visitSource() gets one piece of optional information; the source file name, plus a debug string that I know nothing about.

Now to the interesting method instructions: visitMethod() again takes some data that is needed once for each method: access flags, name, method descriptor, signature, and declared exceptions. visitCode() simply indicates that the actual instructions follow, as opposed to the optional annotations.
visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0) takes an opcode that works with local variables (either LOAD or STORE) of a specific type (a reference in this case; don't ask me why the prefix is A) and takes the index of a local variable; as I said earlier, 0 is the implicit this reference for nonstatic methods. So, in plain words, this instruction pushes this onto the stack.
visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/Object", "<init>", "()V") invokes a method. In this case, because it's a constructor (see the name), using the INVOKESPECIAL opcode. There are four other INVOKE opcodes, but we'll only see two others in this example. The next argument is the owner, i.e. the class containing the called method, followed by name and descriptor. If you haven't guessed it, this is a super() call, invoked on this. (Ironically, writing this.super(); in Java is illegal, yet the implicit reference is needed of course)
Last but not least, there's visitInsn(RETURN). Unlike visit*Insn(), visitInsn() takes no additional arguments, because the opcodes supported by this instruction simply don't need any. RETURN is only one of many RETURN opcodes for void methods (including constructors).
Finally, there's visitMaxs(1, 1) and visitEnd(). The maxs are stack and local. stack is 1, because there is at most one entry on the stack, namely this after ALOAD 0. And the sole local variable is, again, this, ammounting for 1 again.

A look at main([Ljava/lang/String;)V: We have a new type of instruction again! visitTypeInsn(NEW, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld") takes an opcode that needs a class name. In this case, we allocate a new object (of our class) on the heap.
visitInsn(DUP) duplicates the top element on the stack, i.e. the reference.
visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld", "<init>", "()V") invokes the constructor on our new object. Think about it: the constructor has an implicit argument that must be on the stack prior to calling, and in the case of additional parameters, these have to come even after the new reference, so there's essentially no way to integrate the constructor call into the NEW opcode. (Well, of course you could, but why complicate the VM by introducing a different order of arguments for constructor calls if you can make it a really regular INVOKESPECIAL call simply by splitting object creating into two opcodes?) And here, you have the reason for the previous DUP: <init> is void, but we want to use the object afterwards, so we have to keep the reference on the stack some other way.
visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "net/slightlymagic/asm/test/HelloWorld", "hello", "()V") invokes hello(). INVOKEVIRTUAL is probably the most common INVOKE opcode. It's used for all nonstatic, non-constructor, non-interface methods (and now, if you wonder what the fifth variant, as hinted above, is: it's INVOKEDYNAMIC, which is a new feature targeted at dynamic JVM languages, not Java itself). The big point about virtual method invocation is overriding. The VM searches for an overridden variant of the called method, which is not necessarily that of the owner class given in the instruction.
visitInsn(RETURN); visitMaxs(2, 1); visitEnd(); there were two entries on the stack after DUP, and there is one parameter [Ljava/lang/String; in the main method.

Now hello()V: visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;"), yet another type of instruction. visitFieldInsn() supports the four logically named opcodes GETFIELD, GETSTATIC, PUTFIELD and PUTSTATIC. The nonstatic variants take a reference from the stack for obvious reasons. Then there's an owner, a field name, and a field descriptor. Unlike LOAD and STORE, where there's no descriptor, but different opcodes for different types.
visitLdcInsn("Hello, World"), where LDC stands for "load constant". The argument is of type Object, but must be a primitive wrapper like Integer, or String.
visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V") is our first method invocation with real arguments! I hope you can follow what's currently on the stack; there's a PrintStream (System.out) and a String ("Hello, World"), and now we're invoking a nonstatic method of PrintStream, taking a String as an argument. Knowing the order of elements on the stack is important when trying to modify bytecode; obviously, when you insert instructions, you have to leave the stack as you found it to have the following code work correctly (and don't forget to tamper with maxStack afterwards!)
visitInsn(RETURN); visitMaxs(2, 1); visitEnd(); there were two entries on the stack after LDC, and the method is not static.

Now, to make this post longer, and not make you wait on how to invoking your new class, let's look at the classloading part. we have byte[] containing the class and need a Class from it. Take a look at this simple custom ClassLoader:

public class DynamicClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    private final HashMap<String, byte[]> bytecodes = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
    public DynamicClassLoader() {
    public DynamicClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
    public void putClass(String name, byte[] bytecode) {
        bytecodes.put(name, bytecode);
    protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        //remove here, because the class won't be loaded another time anyway
        byte[] bytecode = bytecodes.remove(name);
        if(bytecode != null) {
            return defineClass(name, bytecode, 0, bytecode.length);
        } else {
            return super.findClass(name);

... and take a look at that simple main method:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    DynamicClassLoader l = new DynamicClassLoader();
    l.putClass("net.slightlymagic.asm.test.HelloWorld", AsmBuilder.HelloWorld);
    Class<?> HelloWorld = l.loadClass("net.slightlymagic.asm.test.HelloWorld");
    HelloWorld.getMethod("main", String[].class).invoke(null, (Object) args);

Of course, we can't plainly reference a class that isn't present at compile time, but we can use reflection to test it. Of course, normally the generated class would implement some interface so we can store it in a variable other than an Object, and make regular method calls through the interface.