Saturday, January 7, 2012

Replicating Game States - JGroups

So now I've got it. My goals in implementing Replication was to keep it out of the core functionality while still making it easy to use without worrying about replication yourself. How do you do that? By providing a general interface to other software (in my case, that's a listener) and implementing a specific one for the task at hand.

So my History class, which stores all changes to the managed objects, has a listener for two possible events: A new modification is executed; and the "current" state is moved somewhere else (e.g. undoing something.) My replication listener does not support undo right now, because I haven't figured out how to best identify a state (which is where the program is going) yet, but that should be easy. The other thing, executing modifications, does work. That means, whenever a modification is executed locally, it is sent over the network so that the partner(s) can execute it too.

The only downside is that the partners also "execute it locally", so I had to use a trick to suppress resending these received modifications. And it works pretty well:

//initialization code
final History h = createHistory(createKey("test-history"));
final JChannel channel = new JGroupsReplicationListener(h) {
    public void receive(Message msg) {
        Modification m = (Modification) deserialize(msg.getBuffer());
        if(m instanceof Creation) id = ((Creation) m).getId();

//executing the actions (creating an object)
try {
    TestBean t = (TestBean) h.getObjectStore().get(Creation.create(new TestBean()));
} finally {

//printing the results
System.out.printf("current state: %s%n", h.getObjectStore().get(id));

I made this test a GUI application so that I can control the timing on multiple virtual machines. The public void receive(Message msg)seen above is only needed for this Test, again. It's not necessary to do something like that to get the replication. The code in the middle looks exactly the same as the example last time, except I haven't hidden some of the details in a setTest() method.

Now what's probably the most interesting is how the networking works; let me tell you, I didn't write any! As hinted by me before, and in the title of course, is that I have tried JGroups to do this. In JGroups, you create Channels and let them join into a cluster; all channels in the cluster can receive and send messages, either to only only one recipient, or to all at the same time. JGroups provides a configurable protocol stack that takes care of reliability, synchronity and such things. For my tests, I have used a UDP-based protocol stack. For wide-area connections, a TCP-based approach is probably easier.

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